Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hello There, Stranger!

You know what's awkward? When you're just walking, minding your own business, and some stranger takes it upon themselves to give you a nice greeting. And then there's that moment of panic when you wonder a) if you know this person, b) why they're talking to you, and c) if it's possible they aren't talking to you after all, as their friend is walking five steps behind you. Awkward.

Today, I was walking down the hall in the institute building, as I often do, headed to - actually, it doesn't matter where I was headed to. It won't change the story. But since I brought it up, and it's possible you are in fact wondering where I was headed, I shall tell. The bathroom. I was headed to the bathroom. Now you know. So here I am, walking past the stairs. I see a person on said stairs and instinctively look up to see if I know this person (which is funny, because I don't know that many people at the institute. Nor do I care to). I don't know this person. Then this person says, "Hello." There are several reasons I can think of for this.
Reason 1: They know me. We can rule this one out, as I've already decided I don't know them.
Reason 2: They think they know me, when, in fact, they do not. I guess this is a possibility.
Reason 3: They are just a kind soul who enjoys greeting the passersby in a warm and friendly fashion. Also a possibility.

I think after they said "Hi" I looked at them weird, then sort of mumbled "Hey" over my shoulder as I walked past. It was uncomfortable for everyone.

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