Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Idiocy of People

So I figured this blog needed an update so here is my story of the day, not very long but still super awkward! So I have this class called 3-D Design. The teacher is pretty cool but he can be slightly pervert-ish occasionally. But not very creepy, if that makes any sense. So any who we were siting in class today presenting our "cubes" - we had to make cubes out of things. I made mine out of bouncy balls for example. So mine also glowed in the dark but it wasn't dark enough in the class to notice so I said I could stick it in the supply closet and people could look at it. I could tell that he really wanted to avoid the whole closet close space thing, so I dropped it. So then go to the last presentation and hers was a glow in the dark cube. So into the large supply closet 20 people went. So we made it out of the room without any awkward remarks. Or so I thought. I was just out  when this kid behind me says "hey how many times can you say that you were in a closet in the dark with your teacher". Yeah. I mean what can you say after that? Awkward...  I mean really how idiotic was that kid to say that? So lets just say when the teacher said see you next week most the class went running. Well that was my story for the day!

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