Friday, October 26, 2012

Carey Elwes: Part II

Carey Elwes? Who's that? And where is this Part II thing coming from? I've never read a Carey Elwes: Part I, so this makes little to no sense. You may recall a blog post entitled Welcome To Weber in which I outlined all my classes, blah blah blah. You may not recall said post. In which case, I will give you a very brief refresher. In my Anthropology class, there's a cute boy who looks like Carey Elwes. I had to talk to him. It was kind of awkward. The end. And now, moving forward.

Today in class, it was ALMOST time to go, and the Anthropology professor was yammering on about who knows what, and I was getting antsy to turn in my folder and get the heck out of there so I had a seat in my music class. As per usual. It's 11:20, and she is still yammering. (Brief Side Note 1: I am always in a hurry out of that class, as is Carey Elwes. I don't know what his excuse is. Maybe sheer boredom. Brief Side Note 2: We have these folders we put our work in and turn in at the end of class every Friday. Very similar to a junior high class. But it is what it is.) The antsy-ness is about to catapult me to the front desk and out of the classroom, when she finally wraps it up. As she's saying her last words, I practically leap out of my seat at the back of the classroom to turn in my folder. As it turns out, Carey Elwes did the same thing. So we're both hurtling towards the front of the room, set on a collision course, and get to the front of our rows at the same time. We both stop, obviously. Otherwise we would ram into each other. That would be weird. And then we have the awkward, "You go," "No, you go," moment. More of an eternity than a moment, actually. It felt like forever. So we finally decide that I will go first (because he is a gentleman), I mutter "Sorry," as I pass him, and the awkwardness is ended.

Oh wait. No it isn't. Would that it had ended there.

So now that I've turned in my folder, I am again hurtling at supersonic speeds back to my desk to pick up my backpack and hit the road. Again, Carey Elwes follows my lead. And since our seats are both at the back of the room, we had the EXACT same awkward moment, this time at the back of the room by the door. Literally ten seconds after the first one. We just stood there, looking at each other, trying to decide how to end this madness, thinking to ourselves, "Good grief, this is ridiculous. Also, you are crazy attractive." (That last part may have been limited to my end, but whatever.) Finally he takes the initiative and goes, muttering "Sorry," and smiling like the angel he is. I follow after. The awkwardness is ended. For reals, this time.

I think this wouldn't be such a bad story if it had only happened once. But twice? With that same kid? Who happens to be attractive, which makes me all nervous and stuff? Good grief. It really is ridiculous.

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